What is WRCO?

World Robot Cooperation Organization (WRCO), is an international, academic, non-profit social organization formed voluntarily by universities, research institutions, companies, enterprises, international organizations engaged in robotics research, development, design, production, application and other fields worldwide.

Our Vision

Robot for Good

WRCO aims to:

  1. Promote international exchange and cooperation in robotics;
  2. Facilitate information sharing and open science in robotics;
  3. Make robots better benefit humankind.
Organization Structure

General Assembly

Board of Directors


Working Committees & Technical Committees (Preparatory)


QIAO Hong President China

Prof. QIAO Hong is Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, researcher and PhD supervisor of Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA), IEEE Fellow, and a member of the Administrative Committee of IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (IEEE RAS). She is the Director of the National Key Laboratory of Multimodal Artificial Intelligence System and the Deputy Director of the Central Committee for Science and Technology, the Central Committee of Jiusan Society. She is an internationally-recognized and highly-cited pioneer researcher in high-precision robotic manipulation and biologically-inspired robotic cognition and manipulation. Her theory of "Attractive Region in Environment (ARIE)" has been reported internationally as "Qiao's Concept".


Yael Edan Vice-President Israel

Prof. Yael Edan is the Vice-President of Israeli Robotics Association (IROB) and a professor in Industrial Engineering at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU). Her research combines development and application of intelligent automation techniques (sensors, algorithms, control) with industrial engineering techniques (performance measurement, simulation, systems engineering). Her current robotics research focuses on human-robot collaboration with applications to agriculture and social assistive robots.


WANG Huan Secretary General China

WANG Huan, a full senior engineer, has long been engaged in policy research and international cooperation in the fields of robotics and information technology. He has presided over nearly 50 projects such as robotics technology and industry development strategy research. He led the compilation work of "China's Choice in the Age of Robotics", "A Brief History of Robotics" (awarded the National Award of Excellent Science and Technology Popularization Work in 2016), and "Research on the World-class Science and Technology Associations",etc.

WRCO Secretariat